Abdul Azeez

Name : Abdul Azeez

State : Kerala

District :

Profession :

Age :

Sex : Female

Marital status : Married

Dependence : mother , wife and children


Address :

Sri Lanka

Sponser :

Event Title : Purposefully hiding

Stringers World wide :

Date of Incident :

Mode of Recruitment :

Episode : 985 B

Migrant rights violation :

Event description :

Repeat case of Abdul Azeez , went missing in Sri Lanka.

Country : Sri Lanka

City :

Reporting date : 06/04/2023

Resolve date :

Relative name :

Relative age :

Relative sex :

Demand Request :

Requested to find the missing person

Relation :

Relative address :

Result : Found

Comment :

Not ready to return


Passport :

Religion :

Missing Person DOB :

Missing Person Photo

Contact Abroad :

Contact Sponser :

Document One :

Document Two :

Document Three :

Document Four :

Relative Contact :

Migrant Rights Violation :

Success Story :

Missing Video :

Success Image